Corrine has 3 quarters, 7 dimes, 6 nickels, and 4 pennies in her pocket. If one coin falls out, what is the probability that it will not be worth more than $0.10?


Please tell me if this is correct


Dimes and below are not worth more than ten cents.

(7 + 6 + 4)/total number of coins.

You do the calculations.

To find the probability that the coin that falls out will not be worth more than $0.10, we need to determine the total number of coins that are worth $0.10 or less, and divide it by the total number of coins Corrine has.

First, let's count the number of coins worth $0.10 or less:
- Corrine has 7 dimes, which are each worth $0.10, so all 7 dimes are worth $0.10 or less.
- Corrine also has 6 nickels, which are worth $0.05 each. So together, the nickels are worth 6 x $0.05 = $0.30.

Now let's find the total number of coins Corrine has. Adding them all up: 3 quarters + 7 dimes + 6 nickels + 4 pennies = 20 coins.

So, the probability that the coin that falls out will not be worth more than $0.10 is:
(Number of coins worth $0.10 or less) / (Total number of coins)
= (7 + 6) / 20
= 13 / 20

Therefore, the correct answer is 13/20.