what are the examples of suspension


Six examples at the end of the article.


Suspension refers to a mixture of solid particles or liquid droplets dispersed in a gas or liquid medium. Some common examples of suspension include:

1. Mud: A mixture of water, clay, and other fine particles.
To create a suspension of mud, the first step is to collect the solid particles (clay or other fine grained materials) and mix them with water. The solid particles will disperse and float within the water, creating a suspension.

2. Paint: A mixture of pigment particles in a liquid medium.
To create a suspension of paint, various pigments are mixed with a liquid medium such as water or oil. The pigments, which are insoluble in the liquid, will suspend evenly throughout the mixture.

3. Smoke: A suspension of tiny particles in air.
Smoke is formed when solid particles from burning substances or other sources disperse in the air. These particles remain suspended, giving the appearance of a cloud-like structure.

4. Blood: A suspension of cells, proteins, and other particles in plasma.
Blood is a complex suspension consisting of various components, such as red and white blood cells, platelets, proteins, and dissolved molecules. These particles are suspended within a liquid medium called plasma.

It's worth noting that suspensions are heterogeneous mixtures, meaning that the particles are not dissolved at a molecular level, but rather dispersed throughout the medium.