? evaluate the expression:

3 to the 3rd power-(15-8)+ 4 x 5

(3)3 - (15-8) + 4x5 =

27 -(7) + 20 =
27 - 7 + 20 =??
Check my arithmetic.

27 -7 + 20 = ?

To evaluate the expression 3 to the 3rd power minus (15 minus 8) plus 4 times 5, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the values inside the parentheses.
15 minus 8 equals 7.

Step 2: Calculate the exponent.
3 to the 3rd power means raising 3 to the power of 3.
3 * 3 * 3 = 27.

Step 3: Calculate the multiplication.
4 times 5 equals 20.

Step 4: Perform the subtraction and addition.
27 minus 7 equals 20, and then add 20 equals 40.

Therefore, the value of the expression is 40.