I'm kind of confused as to what exactly simplified means by deffintion which one is more simple

(2x)^6 or 64x^6

I thought simplified meant to do all the operation that can be done... but I've had some teachers who've makred that wrong because I didn't factor...

So what exactly does it mean to be simplified

b.t.w. I figuered out the other problem

sin^-1 (4/5) = (ln ((4i +3)/5))/i
check the calculator it's correct it was extremely hard lol

For a teacher to have marked

64x^6 compared to (2x)^6 as "wrong" is inexcusable .

To determine which expression is more simplified, we need to understand what it means for an expression to be simplified.

In general, simplifying an expression involves reducing it to its most basic or compact form. The specific steps for simplification can vary depending on the type of expression and the context in which it is being used.

When it comes to algebraic expressions like the ones you mentioned, there are a few key aspects to consider:

1. Combine like terms: If there are multiple terms with the same variables raised to the same powers, they can be combined by adding or subtracting coefficients. For example, in the expression (2x)^6, there are no other terms to combine with, so it remains as it is.

2. Apply exponent rules: If there are exponents, such as in the expression 64x^6, you can simplify by applying the appropriate exponent rule. In this case, the expression can be simplified further by noting that 64 is equal to 2^6, and by multiplying the exponents, we get (2^6)(x^6) = (2x)^6.

To compare the two expressions, (2x)^6 and 64x^6, we observe that they are equal. Both expressions are simplified to the same form, which is (2x)^6. Therefore, neither expression is more simplified than the other. Simplification in this case involves applying the exponent rule to express the same quantity in a different form.

Regarding the second part of your message, the equation sin^-1 (4/5) = (ln ((4i + 3)/5))/i is incorrect. The inverse sine function (sin^-1) typically outputs an angle, not a complex number. Also, the natural logarithm function (ln) usually outputs a real number, not a complex number when its argument is a real number. Therefore, the equation you provided is not correct.

In general, it's essential to double-check equations and results using reliable sources or calculators to ensure their accuracy and prevent misunderstandings or errors.