I have to compare 2 of my short stories AND write an essay and the teaacher has given me the topics to work on.

1)the use of symbols to Convery central meaning
2)The use of settings to Convey central meanings

i dnt understand what they're asking. and also what is "to CONVEY CENTRAL MEANINGS?"

I can help you understand what your teacher is asking for in your essay comparing two short stories.

When your teacher mentions using symbols and settings to convey central meanings, they are referring to how writers use these literary elements to communicate important ideas or themes in their stories. Let's break it down:

1) The use of symbols to convey central meanings: In literature, symbols are objects, characters, or actions that have a deeper meaning beyond their literal representation. They are used to convey abstract and complex ideas. For example, a red rose may symbolize love or passion, while a broken mirror could symbolize bad luck or a fractured identity. Your task would be to identify and analyze the symbols used in the two stories and explain how they contribute to the central meaning or theme of each story.

2) The use of settings to convey central meanings: Setting refers to the time, place, and environment in which a story takes place. It helps to establish the atmosphere, context, and even shape the plot and characters' actions. In this case, you would need to examine how the settings in the two stories contribute to the central meanings or themes. For instance, a gloomy, deserted town might convey a sense of isolation or despair, while a lively, bustling city might evoke themes of ambition or opportunity. Analyzing the chosen settings and relating them to the central meanings of the stories would be the focus of your essay.

"To convey central meanings" simply means that symbols and settings are used by authors to communicate important messages or themes that lie at the heart of their stories.

To complete your assignment, you would need to select two short stories, analyze the symbols and settings in each, and explain how they contribute to the central meanings or themes of the stories. Remember to provide specific evidence from the texts and offer your interpretation or analysis of the author's intentions.