why did karl marx believe capitalism would eventually be destroy? What steps would lead to overthrow and what kind of society would replace it?


Karl Marx believed that capitalism would eventually be destroyed due to its inherent contradictions and exploitative nature. According to Marx, there are several factors that would lead to the overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of a new society.

1. Class Struggle: Marx argued that capitalism created a fundamental division between the bourgeoisie (the capitalist class) and the proletariat (the working class). The continuous struggle between these two classes, with the working class being exploited by the capitalist class, would eventually lead to a revolution.

2. Economic Crisis: Marx believed that capitalism was prone to economic crises and depressions due to overproduction, uneven distribution of wealth, and inherent contradictions within the capitalist system. These crises would intensify the dissatisfaction among the proletariat and contribute to their desire for change.

3. Consciousness and Organization: Marx emphasized the importance of raising class consciousness among the proletariat, making them aware of their exploitation and encouraging collective action. He envisioned the organization of the working class into a unified revolutionary force, capable of overthrowing capitalism.

4. Overthrow of Capitalism: Marx believed that the working class, through a revolution, would seize control of the means of production and establish a dictatorship of the proletariat. This transitional period would involve the elimination of private ownership of property and the establishment of a socialist society.

5. Transition to Communism: After the establishment of socialism, Marx envisioned a gradual transition to communism. In a communist society, there would be no class divisions, private property, or exploitation. The principle "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" would guide the distribution of goods and services.

It is worth mentioning that the actual implementation of Marx's ideas in different countries has varied, and the success of these revolutions in achieving Marx's envisioned outcomes has been a subject of debate among scholars.