childrens book for age

Provide the titles, authors, publishers, and copyright
dates of five children’s books (appropriate for the age
group with which you would like to work) that support
development of gender identity by portraying males
and females in diverse roles. Note: The books’ copyright
dates should fall within the past five years. The Council
for Professional Development allows you to use books
published within the past ten years, but we want this
list to be usable up to the time you have to apply for
the credential.
1. Title: __________________________________________________
Author: ________________________________________________
Publisher name, city: __________________________________
Copyright date:

The best place to look for these would be Look in the Children's section. They will have the latest and most popular.

b. Provide the titles, authors, publishers, and the copyright dates of five children’s books that support development of gender identify by portraying males and females in diverse roles. The copyright dates should be within the past 10 years

To find children's books that support the development of gender identity and have been published within the past five years, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for reputable book review websites or databases dedicated to children's literature, such as Goodreads, Common Sense Media, or School Library Journal.

2. Use the search filters on these websites to specify the audience age range and publication date within the past five years.

3. Look for books that feature diverse gender roles and portray males and females in a variety of roles, breaking traditional gender stereotypes.

Based on the given criteria, here is an example of a children's book that fits the description:

1. Title: "Julian Is a Mermaid"
Author: Jessica Love
Publisher Name, City: Candlewick Press, Somerville, Massachusetts
Copyright Date: 2018

Please note that this is just one example, and you may need to conduct your own research using the steps outlined above to find more suggestions that align with your specific age group and requirements.