When do revolutions (For example the American, French, and Russian) usually occur? Is it when those in power are resistant to change?

Yes. Revolutions also occur when the citizens are angry because they've been mistreated by the government. The people want change and those in power don't want change.

Tabby, the best reason I know is the very old saying, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." When the person in power thinks he doesn't have to listen to the people, then the people are going to make him listen. This is a very old lesson, but somehow, when people gain that kind of power they forget or begin to feel that they are too right or too perfect or God ordained. Then the only voice they will listen to is the voice of the people in revolt. This is happening all over the world - most recently, Myanmar.

Revolutions, such as the American, French, and Russian Revolutions, occur in different contexts and can be triggered by various factors. While resistance to change by those in power can indeed be a contributing factor, it is not the sole cause of revolutions. Let's break it down further.

1. Socio-political climate: Revolutions often arise during periods of socio-political unrest, when there is a widespread dissatisfaction among the population. Reasons could include unfair governance, economic inequality, lack of representation, political corruption, or oppressive regimes.

2. Economic factors: Socio-economic grievances can play a significant role in sparking revolutions. Economic hardships, such as poverty, unemployment, high taxes, inflation, or food shortages, can create an environment ripe for revolutionary movements.

3. Enlightenment ideals: The 18th-century Enlightenment and the spread of ideas about individual liberty, equality, and popular sovereignty played a significant role in shaping the American and French Revolutions. The populace's desire for political and social change can be driven by these ideals and a demand for greater rights and freedoms.

4. Catalyst events: Revolutions are often triggered by specific catalyst events that galvanize the population. These events can include political scandals, a failed military campaign, a natural disaster, or a brutal suppression of popular unrest.

5. Leadership and organization: Effective leadership, charismatic figures, or organized revolutionary groups can catalyze and guide revolutionary movements. These leaders channel discontent, articulate demands, and mobilize the masses towards revolutionary action.

It's important to note that revolutions are complex and multifaceted, with a combination of internal and external factors playing a part. While resistance to change by those in power can be present, it is not the sole determinant. Understanding the historical context, the grievances of the population, and the specific trigger events are crucial in comprehending why and when revolutions occur.