The most useful indicator of the degree of democracy reached by a particular society is whether it has a...

formal method whereby people can effect changes in government policy, system of government checks and balances, two-house legislature, system of liberal and humane courts, or civilian government?

I think it is a formal method whereby people can effect changes in government policy

You think correctly.

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The most useful indicator of the degree of democracy reached by a particular society is whether it has a:

The most useful indicator of the degree of democracy reached by a particular society is whether it has a?

You are correct in identifying a formal method whereby people can effect changes in government policy as a useful indicator of the degree of democracy in a society. This indicator is known as popular sovereignty or popular participation, which refers to the involvement of the populace in the decision-making process of a government.

To determine if a society has a formal method for people to effect changes in government policy, you can look for the following elements:

1. Elections: Democracies typically hold regular elections where citizens can vote for their representatives. These representatives are responsible for making policy decisions on behalf of the people. Fair and free elections with broad suffrage are essential in ensuring popular participation.

2. Referendums and initiatives: Some democracies also allow citizens to express their views on specific policy issues through referendums or initiatives. These mechanisms allow the public to directly vote on proposed laws or government actions.

3. Freedom of speech and assembly: A democratic society should protect the rights of its citizens to express their opinions and assemble peacefully. These freedoms allow people to engage in public debates, criticize government policies, and advocate for change.

4. Civil society organizations: A vibrant civil society with various organizations, such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and interest groups, can contribute to democracy by representing specific interests and advocating for policy changes. These organizations help ensure that different perspectives are heard and considered.

It is important to note that while the presence of a formal method for people to effect changes in government policy is indicative of democracy, it is not the sole determinant. Other aspects, such as the rule of law, protection of human rights, system of checks and balances, an independent judiciary, and civilian control of the government, also play crucial roles in evaluating the degree of democracy in a society.