Area of a triangle. Find the exact area of a triangle with a base of sqrt 30 meters and a height of sqrt of 6 meters. Thank-you

Area of triangle = 1/2 b * h

sqrt of 30 = 5.4772255
sqrt of 6 = 2.4494897

A = 0.5 * 5.4772255 * 2.4494897

A =*+5.4772255+*+2.4494897&aq=f&aqi=h1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=CtyXTcrU_TMCjCYvwygS59LH_CwAAAKoEBU_QauMo

Thanks a bunch MS. SUE!!!

You're very welcome, Jonie.

To find the area of a triangle, you can use the formula:

Area = (base * height) / 2.

In this case, the base of the triangle is √30 meters and the height is √6 meters.

Plug in these values into the formula:

Area = (√30 * √6) / 2.

To simplify this expression, you can multiply the square roots together:

Area = √(30 * 6) / 2.

Now, you can simplify the multiplication inside the square root:

Area = √180 / 2.

Since 180 is a perfect square, it can be simplified further:

Area = √(36 * 5) / 2.

Now, pull out the perfect square from the square root:

Area = (6√5) / 2.

Finally, divide the numerator by the denominator:

Area = 3√5 square meters.

Therefore, the exact area of the triangle is 3√5 square meters.