This problem is in chapter 9 page 708, problem 58. It looks like it could be solved two ways.

16 div. by (-2)*(-4)
2^ +4

16 div. by (-2)*(-4)

16/8 = ?

To solve this problem, we need to follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS).

First, let's simplify the expression in the numerator: 16 divided by (-2) multiplied by (-4).

Step 1: Divide 16 by (-2). The division of a positive number by a negative number yields a negative result. So, 16 divided by (-2) is equal to -8.

Step 2: Multiply -8 by (-4). When you multiply two negative numbers, the result is positive. So, -8 multiplied by (-4) is equal to 32.

Now, let's simplify the expression in the denominator: 2 squared (2^2) plus 4.

Step 3: Calculate 2 squared (2^2). Two squared is equal to 2 multiplied by 2, which is 4.

Step 4: Add 4 to 4. The sum is 8.

Now, we can rewrite the expression as:


To simplify further, we divide the numerator (32) by the denominator (8).

Step 5: Divide 32 by 8. The result is 4.

Therefore, the solution to the problem is 4.