�ã16+�ã49 = 11 (4+7)Am I correct?

were you trying to type

√16 + √49 ?

if so, then you would get
4 + 7
= 11

Is your right side is supposed to be that?

Yes that is what I was trying to type. Thanks, I thought I was right but a classmate said it was wrong so I wanted clarification. Thank you. I don't know why it showed up like that, I wrote it in a word document with the square root signs and copied and pasted it. It lost it's formatting in the process.

To verify if your calculation is correct, let's break it down step by step:

First, let's evaluate the expression within parentheses:
4 + 7 = 11

Now, let's substitute this value back into the original equation:
16 + 49 = 11 * 11

Finally, let's simplify the equation:
16 + 49 = 121

Therefore, the correct answer is 16 + 49 = 121, not 11.

In this case, you made a mistake by incorrectly evaluating the expression within parentheses.