Combines the pairs of sentences below into compound sentenvces three different ways. Punctuate correctly. One pair of sentences should not be joined because the ideas are not related.

So can you tell me if the sentences are correct. I have to use a fanboy, subornate conjunction, conj. adverb

1. Tomorrow is my birthday, and I will be thirteen.
2. Tomorroow is my birthday; therefore I will be thirteen.
3. My birthday is tomorrow; as a result I will be thirteen.

:) :) :)

The first one looks correct. I'm still evaluating the other two!

Though in the first one you may not even need the comma!

#2 = check the spelling. "Tomorrow" is the word! Otherwise, OK.


Write five paragraph bithday party

To combine the pairs of sentences into compound sentences, you can use a coordinating conjunction (fanboy), a subordinating conjunction, or a conjunctive adverb. Let's go through each pair of sentences and see if they are correct:

1. Tomorrow is my birthday, and I will be thirteen.
You have already correctly combined these two sentences using the coordinating conjunction "and." This sentence is correct.

2. Tomorrow is my birthday; therefore I will be thirteen.
You have correctly combined these two sentences using the conjunctive adverb "therefore." However, you've incorrectly punctuated it with a semicolon instead of a comma. Here's the correct version: "Tomorrow is my birthday, therefore I will be thirteen."

3. My birthday is tomorrow; as a result, I will be thirteen.
You have correctly combined these two sentences using the conjunctive adverb "as a result." However, you've incorrectly punctuated it with a semicolon instead of a comma. Here's the correct version: "My birthday is tomorrow, as a result, I will be thirteen."

In summary, you've correctly combined the pairs of sentences using coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, and conjunctive adverbs. Just make sure to use commas instead of semicolons to separate the clauses in these compound sentences.