maggots form on raw meat , kept open for a few days. give 2 hypothesis for it

Could one be that flies smell the meat decaying and lay their eggs on the meat, which hatch into maggots?

What might be another hypothesis?

1. flies come and land on the meat and lay there eggs there that hatch into maggots.

2.A mammal that is carrying the eggs comes in contact(or it could basically be any material)with the meat and brushes against the meat putting the eggs it was carry onto the meat and later the eggs hatch into maggots

Sounds possible. It's a hypothesis.

Sure! When trying to explain the formation of maggots on raw meat, we can come up with two possible hypotheses:

1. Spontaneous Generation Hypothesis: This hypothesis suggests that maggots can spontaneously generate from the raw meat itself, without the need for pre-existing eggs. It was a commonly held belief in the past, but has been disproven.

2. Fly Life Cycle Hypothesis: This hypothesis proposes that the maggots are the larval stage of flies. According to this hypothesis, flies lay their eggs on the raw meat, which then hatch into maggots. These maggots feed on the decaying meat before pupating and eventually turning into adult flies.

To determine which hypothesis is more likely, experiments were conducted in the past to test them. One such famous experiment was conducted by Francesco Redi in the 17th century. Redi placed raw meat in three different containers: one left open, one sealed with gauze, and one sealed completely. His experiment showed that maggots only appeared on the open container, ruling out spontaneous generation.

Therefore, based on experimental evidence and the understanding of fly life cycles, the second hypothesis, the "Fly Life Cycle Hypothesis," is widely accepted as the correct explanation for the formation of maggots on raw meat.