Hi, I have to produce a sketch of a line that passes through the points (4,3) and (10,0), i have already worked its gradient out to be -0.5 and its y - intercepts as 5. For some reason i am having a mental block on the next bit! I need to add the line y = 6 to the sketch and then use algebra to find the coordinates of the point where the two lines intersect.

Please help

GIVEN: ( 4, 3 ), ( 10, 0 ).

m = -3/6 = -1/2 = -0.5
Find Equation of line:
Y = mX + b
3 = -1/2(4) + b.
Solve for b: b = 5.
Y = -1/2X +5
Substitute 6 for Y and solve for X.
6 = -1/2X + 5
1/2X = -1, X = -2. P ( -2, 6 ) is
where the lines intersect. Y = 6 is
a horizontal line 6 units above x
axis. Graph both lines and compare
point of intersection ( solution )
with calculated value.

Of course, I'll be happy to help you with that!

To start, let's sketch the line that passes through the points (4,3) and (10,0). We already know its gradient is -0.5 and its y-intercept is 5, so we have the equation of the line in slope-intercept form: y = -0.5x + 5.

Next, we need to add the line y = 6 to the sketch. This is a horizontal line that intersects the y-axis at 6. Since it is a horizontal line, its gradient is 0, and the equation remains y = 6.

Now, to find the point of intersection between the two lines using algebra, we can set their equations equal to each other. So we have:
-0.5x + 5 = 6

To solve this equation, subtract 5 from both sides:
-0.5x = 1

Then, we isolate x by dividing both sides by -0.5:
x = -2

Now, substitute this x-value back into either of the original equations to find the y-coordinate. Let's use the equation of the first line:
y = -0.5(-2) + 5
y = 1 + 5
y = 6

Therefore, the point of intersection for these two lines is (-2, 6).

So, to summarize:
1. Sketch the line y = -0.5x + 5 that passes through the points (4,3) and (10,0).
2. Add the line y = 6 to the sketch as a horizontal line passing through y = 6.
3. Set the two equations equal to each other: -0.5x + 5 = 6.
4. Solve for x: x = -2.
5. Substitute the x-value back into either equation to find the y-coordinate: y = 6.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.