simplify -2(-6y+2) +4y(4z+5y)

12y -4 + 16yz + 20y^2 = 4(5y^2 + 3y + 4yz - 1)

I don't know if that is simpler. Do you have a typo?


To simplify the expression -2(-6y+2) + 4y(4z+5y), we can follow the order of operations, which is usually abbreviated as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction).

1. Start with the parentheses:

-2(-6y+2) + 4y(4z+5y)

Apply the distributive property by multiplying -2 with each term inside the first set of parentheses:

= -2 * -6y -2 * 2 + 4y(4z+5y)


= 12y - 4 + 4y(4z+5y)

Multiply 4y with each term inside the second set of parentheses:

= 12y - 4 + 16yz + 20y^2

2. Combine like terms:

The like terms in the expression are the ones with the same variable part, i.e., terms with y and terms with y^2.

= (12y + 20y^2) + 16yz - 4

Now the expression is simplified.

Therefore, the simplified expression is (12y + 20y^2) + 16yz - 4.