simplify 12b^-6/3a^0

you should read my notes on "rob"'s questions if you're not the same person. lol

if that's 12(b^-6), then the answer is 12/(b^6)

if that's (12b)^-6, then the answer is 1/((12^6)*(b^6))

12b^-6/3a^0. I think this is
a^0 = 1; therefore,
Move b^-6 to the denominator.
Divide 12/3 = 4

p.s. i'm reading the question as (12b^-6)/(3a^0)

It doesn't matter.
(12b^-6)/(3a^0) =
4/(b^6). For example,
3a^0 = 3*a^0 = 3*1 = 3 AND
(3a^0) = (3*a^0) = (3*1) = 3 BUT
(3a)^0 = (3^0*a^0)=(1*1)= 1.
12b^-6 = 12*b^-6 = 12/b^6 AND
(12b^-6)=(12*b^-6)=12/b^6 BUT
(12b)^-6 = 1/(12b)^6 = 1/[(12^6)*(b^6)]= 1/(2,985,984*b^6).

To simplify the expression 12b^-6/3a^0, we first need to understand the rules of exponents.

When dividing terms with the same base, we subtract the exponents. So, b^-6/b^6 can be simplified as 1/b^(6-(-6)) = 1/b^12.

Next, when any number (except 0) is raised to the power of 0, it equals 1. Therefore, a^0 = 1.

Now we can simplify the expression:

= 12/b^12 / 3*1
= 12 / (b^12 * 3)
= 4 / (b^12)

Therefore, the simplified form of 12b^-6/3a^0 is 4/(b^12).