What is a unit price and where is it found on?

Medicine? Unit price? Found on?

Your question makes no sense to me. Please clarify.

I don't know how this would be related to medicine, but in grocery stores the unit price is usually on the shelf tag for the product. However, you need to be careful in making comparisons, because the prices are often calculated on different units (per unit, per 100 units, ounces, etc.)

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unit price

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Definitions (2)

1. Contracting: Predetermined price for a quantity of work to be performed, including price charged for labor, material, and associated services such as equipment rental.

2. Retailing: Price of a single item sold.


A unit price is the rate or cost for a single unit of a product or service. It allows you to compare the prices of different items by considering the cost per unit rather than the total price. To find the unit price of a product, you divide the total cost of the product by the quantity or number of units included.

The unit price is typically found on product labels, price tags, or shelf labels in retail stores. It is usually stated in the same units as the product itself. For example, the unit price of a box of cereal might be listed as the cost per ounce or cost per pound. In supermarkets, you can often find the unit price displayed on shelf labels beneath the product or on the store's website when shopping online.

By comparing the unit prices of similar products, you can determine which option offers the best value for your money, allowing you to make informed purchasing decisions.