what is the slope of y= -1/3x+4

Y = mX + b

Y = -1/3 +4
The slope (m) = -1/3

Y = mX + b

Y = -1/3X +4
The slope(m) = -1/3.

To find the slope of the equation y = -1/3x + 4, we can identify the coefficient of x. The equation is in the form of y = mx + b, where m represents the slope. In this case, the coefficient of x is -1/3.

The negative sign indicates that the line is sloping downwards, while the value 1/3 represents the ratio of vertical change to horizontal change. This means that for every 3 units of horizontal change (increase or decrease), the line decreases by 1 unit vertically. Hence, the slope is -1/3.