while a patient is having surgery,his doctor notices a small mole.The doctor doesn't think the mole is anthing to worry about,but he decides to remove it to perform a biopsy.What is the doctor guilty of?



this is removing something without the patent consent and there is no legal documents informing the patent that the surgeon is removing the mole.

The doctor in this situation is not guilty of anything. In fact, it is a responsible and proactive approach for the doctor to notice a small mole during surgery and decide to remove it for a biopsy, even if they don't think it is concerning. This action demonstrates the doctor's commitment to thorough care and ensuring the patient's overall health and well-being.

Removing the mole for a biopsy allows the doctor to analyze the tissue under a microscope, checking for any signs of abnormality, such as indications of skin cancer. By doing so, the doctor can provide a more comprehensive assessment of the patient's health and potentially detect any early signs of a potentially harmful condition.

It is important for doctors to address any medical concerns they encounter during procedures or examinations to ensure the best possible outcomes for their patients.

It's unethical to do any invasive technique without the patient's express permission.