This question is based upon differential calculus. Velocity of the particle is given by the equation:

v = (2t^2+5)cm/s. Find:-

(i) The change in velocity of the particle during the time interval t1 = 2s and t2 = 4s.
(ii) Average acceleration during the same interval.
(iii) Instantenous acceleartion at t = 4s.

Please SOLVE it!!!

(i) Use the formula you havebeen given to compute v at t = 4 and t = 2 s. Compute the change in v:

v(4) - v(2) = 37 - 13 = ____ cm/s

(ii) Divide the result of (i) by 2 s.

(iii) Compute the formula for derivative of v(t).
It is a(t) = dv/dt = 4t.
That is the instantaneous acceleration. Evaluate it at t = 4s.

Fill in the blanks. You could use the exercise.

Sir I want the answers so i could match my answers with yours

Then show your answers

Sir i'll solve tommorrow and show you. I hope you get back to this question tommorow

I have already shown you how to do the three problems. Each requires one step. I will be happy to verify that you have followed directions

Sir my teacher solved it!!!

To solve the given problem, we need to use differential calculus. Let's break down each part of the question and find the answers step by step:

(i) The change in velocity of the particle during the time interval t1 = 2s and t2 = 4s.
The change in velocity is obtained by finding the difference between the velocities at t2 and t1.

Given that v = (2t^2 + 5) cm/s, we substitute t2 = 4 into the equation: v2 = (2(4^2) + 5) cm/s = 41 cm/s.

Next, substitute t1 = 2 into the equation: v1 = (2(2^2) + 5) cm/s = 17 cm/s.

Finally, the change in velocity is calculated as Δv = v2 - v1 = 41 cm/s - 17 cm/s = 24 cm/s.

Therefore, the change in velocity during the time interval t1 = 2s and t2 = 4s is 24 cm/s.

(ii) The average acceleration during the same interval.
To find the average acceleration, we use the formula a = Δv/Δt, where Δv is the change in velocity, and Δt is the change in time.

Using the values we just calculated, Δv = 24 cm/s, and Δt = t2 - t1 = 4s - 2s = 2s.

Now, substitute these values into the formula: a = Δv/Δt = 24 cm/s / 2s = 12 cm/s².

Therefore, the average acceleration during the time interval t1 = 2s and t2 = 4s is 12 cm/s².

(iii) The instantaneous acceleration at t = 4s.
To find the instantaneous acceleration at t = 4s, we differentiate the velocity function with respect to time (t).

Given v = 2t^2 + 5 cm/s, differentiate it with respect to t:
dv/dt = d/dt(2t^2 + 5)
= 4t.

Now, substitute t = 4 into the equation: a = 4t = 4(4) = 16 cm/s².

Therefore, the instantaneous acceleration at t = 4s is 16 cm/s².

In summary:
(i) The change in velocity of the particle during the time interval t1 = 2s and t2 = 4s: 24 cm/s.
(ii) The average acceleration during the same interval: 12 cm/s².
(iii) The instantaneous acceleration at t = 4s: 16 cm/s².