Tarzan is best labbled as which archetype?

a bad boy
b none
c chief
d super-hero
e charmer

i think c and d are the possible amswers because i think Tarzan has some characteristic as same as c and d

i had searched online before i posted questions in this website

Then perhaps the links in the latest post are better.


To determine the best archetype for Tarzan, we can analyze the characteristics associated with each option and compare them to Tarzan's attributes.

a) Bad boy: This archetype typically represents rebellious and rule-breaking behavior. While Tarzan may exhibit some independent and non-conforming traits, he generally follows a strong moral code.

b) None: If none of the given archetypes match Tarzan's characteristics, the answer could be that no archetype perfectly fits him.

c) Chief: This archetype is often associated with leadership, decision-making, and a sense of responsibility. Tarzan, being the leader of his animal community and displaying qualities of a chief, aligns with this archetype to some extent.

d) Super-hero: Superheroes are known for their exceptional abilities, fighting for justice, and protecting others. Although Tarzan possesses incredible physical abilities and uses them to defend his loved ones, he does not fit the conventional superhero archetype.

e) Charmer: Charmers are typically charismatic and persuasive individuals. While Tarzan may possess some charm, it is not his most prominent characteristic.

Based on these descriptions, it seems that "chief" (c) aligns most closely with Tarzan's characteristics. However, it is important to note that Tarzan's character is unique, and he may not fit perfectly into any single archetype.