What do catholics do to live up to their name as "catholic"?

I'm pretty sure they try to please God in every possible way, and fallow the Bible

This is the definition of the word :

COMPREHENSIVE , UNIVERSAL ; especially : broad in sympathies, tastes, or interests

From that you should be able to determine how to answer the question.

This might help. A lot of articles on wikipedia about Catholic ecumenical movement:



To understand how Catholics live up to their name as "Catholic," let's first clarify what it means to be Catholic. "Catholic" originates from the Greek word "katholikos," meaning "universal." As such, Catholics strive to embody certain beliefs and practices in their daily lives. Here are some key aspects:

1. Belief in the Teachings of the Catholic Church: Catholics adhere to the core doctrines and teachings of the Catholic Church. These teachings encompass areas like theology, morality, worship, and social justice. Catholics look to the Magisterium, the teaching authority of the Church, including the Pope and the bishops, as the final authority in matters of faith and morals.

2. Participation in the Sacraments: Catholics actively engage in the sacramental life of the Church. The seven sacraments, including Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony, and Holy Orders, are seen as vital channels of God's grace and spiritual nourishment.

3. Regular Attendance of Mass and Worship: Catholics attend Mass, the central act of worship in the Catholic Church, usually held on Sundays and holy days of obligation. Active participation in the Mass, including the liturgical prayers, sacraments, and receiving the Eucharist, is essential for Catholics.

4. Prayer and Personal Devotion: Catholics are encouraged to cultivate a personal relationship with God through prayer. They engage in various forms of prayer, including spontaneous prayer, reciting traditional prayers (such as the Our Father or Hail Mary), and devotions to saints or specific religious practices.

5. Acts of Charity and Service: Catholics are called to live a life of love and service towards others. They participate in works of charity, both individually and collectively, by helping those in need, supporting social justice causes, and contributing to their community.

6. Commitment to Moral Teaching: Catholics seek to live ethically and in accordance with the moral teachings of the Church. This includes respecting the dignity of every human life, upholding the sanctity of marriage, promoting justice and peace, and practicing virtues such as compassion and forgiveness.

Overall, to live up to their name as "Catholic," individuals strive to integrate their faith into every aspect of their lives, seeking to grow spiritually, follow the teachings of the Church, and make positive contributions to society.