A pizza is cut into 10 equal slices. What is the measure of each central angle (the part first eaten)?

A pizza is circular, which is 360 degrees. 360/10=?


To find the measure of each central angle of the pizza slices, we can use the fact that a circle has 360 degrees. Since the pizza is cut into 10 equal slices, we can divide 360 by 10 to find the measure of each central angle.

Let's calculate it step by step:

1. Divide 360 by 10:
360 / 10 = 36

So, each slice of the pizza has a central angle of 36 degrees.

To visualize it, imagine a full circle representing the entire pizza. Since there are 360 degrees in a circle, each pie slice would cover 36 degrees out of the 360-degree circle.

Therefore, each slice of the pizza has a central angle of 36 degrees, which means that each slice represents 1/10th of the total circle.