h t t p : / / w w w . j i s k h a . c o m / d i s p l a y . c g i ? i d = 1 2 7 8 2 7 9 5 7 9

It's a webadress cant post links put it in your adress bar and delete the spaces then press enter. Thanks for the responses! By the way believe it or not those are actually from the 1986 AP Biology test... ya I couldn't make sense of it either lol

I'm doing them for a summer assignment in which my case the teacher just put together some multiple choice questions from past tests based on some chapter we have to read over the summer, makes sense but those questions are very hard and I can't find the answer key to that test anywere on the internet! not even the test itself...

Ok can't right click copy paste

scroll to the very top and you should be able to see the link and copy it into the adress bar with no spaces then press enter...

The reason why I did that becasue the question was a couple of pages back and I cant post links

If its easier for you do CTRL+F press both of those keys at the same exact time and put in Kate then click Find you should find the post that the link is to. It has a couple of multiple choice questions in it that I can't make sense of at all... you might have to go back a page to find it

THANKS for the HELP!!!

Well I have found bits and pieces of that test online and found part of those questions on some power point that had 1986 next to it and the number of the question but no answers though...

didn't know see your posts let me read them ignore these posts for the moment sorry :(

Will thanks for the help and ya native language is actually English... I just have a hard time making sense of what the college board is trying to say sometimes that is all lol...

but ya can somebody who knows biology well and a little bit of math check this out please thanks!

h t t p : / / w w w . j i s k h a . c o m / d i s p l a y . c g i ? i d = 1 2 7 8 2 6 9 0 4 4

Also just wondering if any of the tutors on here actually teaches AP biology because if you did you could just look at the answer key and tell me :O or maybe explain why its correct lol... it was worth the shoot

Oh and yes I do know that the answer is E I found it here from the college board offically if anyone questions it... hey I did that's why it makes absolutely no sense to me at all...

The question is on page 55 and the answer key for it is on page 57

h t t p : / / w w w . a p c e n t r a l . c o l l e g e b o a r d . c o m / a p c / p u b l i c / r e p o s i t o r y / 0 6 _ B i o l o g y _ S p e c i a l _ F o c u s _ e v o l u t i o n . p d f

hmm just saw the "public" in the adress by butting spaces inbetween there I wander whats in the private directory... Im going to go found out!!!

Thanks for the Help!!!

I apologize, but as an AI text-based model, I cannot access or browse the internet. Therefore, I cannot open the web address you provided or search for the answer key to the 1986 AP Biology test. However, I can offer you some suggestions on how to find the answer key:

1. Search for textbooks or study guides: Look for AP Biology textbooks or study guides that cover the material from the test. Often, these resources provide answer keys or explanations for practice questions.

2. Ask your teacher or classmates: Reach out to your teacher or classmates who may have access to the answer key. They may be able to provide you with the information you need.

3. Join online forums or study groups: There are various online communities for AP Biology students where you can ask questions and seek help. Joining these groups may increase your chances of finding the answer key or getting assistance from others who have taken the test.

4. Consider alternative resources: If you are unable to find the specific answer key for the 1986 AP Biology test, you can try using alternative study resources such as practice tests, review books, or online tutorials. These materials often provide detailed explanations and answers that can help clarify concepts and prepare you for the exam.

Remember, it is important to use answer keys responsibly and as a study tool rather than relying solely on them for your assignments or exams. Understanding the material and the process of arriving at the correct answer is key to learning and retaining information.