As a student of Erikson , you realize that your search for independence is a challenge of A..mistrust versus trust

B..autonomy vs shame and doubt
C...initiative VS guilt
D...industry vs inferiority

What do you think?

Its not mistrust vs trust

Independence starts in infants (witness tantrums), and at each stage develops for differing psychological reasons.
See stage 5 (Erickson).

And, I need to add, Erickson grossly simplified the issues, to make development in children "cookbook". I am not of the opinion that is as simple as he suggested, however, I am in the minority on this.

The correct answer is B. autonomy vs shame and doubt.

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the stages of psychosocial development proposed by Erik Erikson. Erikson's theory suggests that individuals go through different stages throughout their lives, with each stage characterized by a specific psychosocial conflict or challenge.

During infancy (0-1 year), the primary challenge is the development of trust versus mistrust (option A). This stage focuses on whether an infant learns to trust their caregivers and the world around them.

During the toddler years (1-3 years), the challenge is autonomy versus shame and doubt (option B). This stage revolves around toddlers asserting their independence and developing a sense of control over their actions. Successfully overcoming this challenge leads to a healthy sense of autonomy, whereas failure can result in feelings of shame and doubt.

During the preschool years (3-6 years), the challenge is initiative versus guilt (option C). This stage involves children developing a sense of purpose and taking the initiative in their interactions and activities. Failure to navigate this stage successfully can lead to feelings of guilt and self-doubt.

Finally, during the elementary school years (6-12 years), the challenge is industry versus inferiority (option D). This stage is focused on children developing a sense of competence and accomplishment in their academic and social pursuits. Failure to meet these challenges can result in feelings of inferiority.

In summary, the correct answer is B. autonomy versus shame and doubt, which is the main challenge faced by students of Erikson's theory when searching for independence during the toddler years.