I am not under standing what this is wanting me to do. Can some one please help me? Write five sentences about the role of education in successful financial planning, in which you correctly use a different verb tense in each sentence.

Verb tenses you might use are:

perfect (have + participle)
past perfect (had + participle)
future (will + verb)
conditional (would + verb)

It is up to you to choose the sentences.

Now then, to carry that one step further, here is an example of each tense from drwls, using the verb to do:

Present = I do, I do do, I am doing (3 possible Englishs)
Past = I did
Perfect = I have done
Future - I will do (or I shall, which is dying out in English )
Conditional - I would do

Sra (aka Mme)

Of course, I can help you with that! To write five sentences about the role of education in successful financial planning using different verb tenses, you can follow these steps:

1. Present Simple tense: Education enhances financial planning skills by providing knowledge on budgeting, saving, and investing.
2. Past Simple tense: Education played a crucial role in my financial planning journey by teaching me how to manage debts effectively.
3. Present Continuous tense: Education is currently shaping my financial planning by helping me learn new strategies to achieve financial goals.
4. Present Perfect tense: Education has greatly impacted my financial planning by equipping me with the necessary tools and skills for long-term success.
5. Future Simple tense: Education will continue to play a significant role in my financial planning as I strive for financial stability and growth.

By using these different verb tenses, you can showcase the role of education in successful financial planning across various time frames.