with regard to public opinion,the Supreme Court:A)attempts to stay close enough to public opinion so as to avoid a grave loss of public support

B)attempts to follow it very closely in order to create public enthusiasm for its rulings
IS A CORRECT? :))))))


Yes, option A) is correct. The Supreme Court generally attempts to stay close enough to public opinion so as to avoid a grave loss of public support.

To get this answer, you can approach it through two methods: understanding the role of the Supreme Court and analyzing its relationship with public opinion.

1. Understanding the role of the Supreme Court:
The Supreme Court is the highest judicial body in the United States and is tasked with interpreting laws and the Constitution. Its primary function is to ensure that laws are constitutional and to settle legal disputes. The Court is made up of justices who are appointed for life, which allows them to focus on the law and interpret it impartially.

2. Analyzing the relationship with public opinion:
Public opinion refers to the collective preferences, attitudes, and beliefs of the general public. While the Supreme Court's decisions are not directly influenced by public opinion, they are mindful of public perception and support. This is because the Court relies on public acceptance and respect for its authority to effectively carry out its decisions. However, the Court understands that public opinion can be diverse and fluctuates over time.

Based on these considerations, the Supreme Court tries to strike a balance and avoid a grave loss of public support. Justices may take into account public opinion to some extent but ultimately base their decisions on constitutional interpretation, legal precedent, and the facts of the case. It is worth noting that the Court's role is not to create public enthusiasm for its rulings but rather to ensure the rule of law and adherence to the Constitution.