What does "leave his 'second best bed' to his wife" mean? I could not understand that phrase. May someone please help me? Thanks in advance.

In his will, Shakespeare left his wife his "second best bed." There's been a lot of speculation about this phrase, and this article sums up these ideas.


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The phrase "leave his 'second best bed' to his wife" is a line from William Shakespeare's Last Will and Testament. It has sparked some debate and interpretation among scholars and critics over the years.

In Shakespeare's time, it was common for people to include bequests in their wills, specifying what belongings or property they wanted to leave to their loved ones after they pass away. In his will, Shakespeare left his "second best bed" specifically to his wife, Anne Hathaway.

The meaning behind this bequest can be interpreted in a few different ways:

1. Some scholars theorize that the "second best bed" was actually a term of endearment and affection. It suggests that Shakespeare holds a special place in his heart for this particular bed, implying that it holds personal memories and emotional significance for him and his wife.

2. Another interpretation is that the bequest of the "second best bed" may be a deliberate slight towards his wife. In traditional English customs, the best bed in the house was a symbol of hospitality and social standing. By leaving his wife the "second best bed," some argue that Shakespeare may have been expressing a less-than-loving sentiment towards her.

3. However, it's worth noting that the will only mentions the "second best bed" and not any other valuable possessions or property. This could suggest that Shakespeare had already provided for his wife in other ways, such as financial security or through other bequests not mentioned in the will.

Ultimately, since Shakespeare did not provide any explanation for this particular bequest in his will, we are left to speculate and interpret its meaning based on historical and literary context.