I need to find what 0.10 is a percentage of 0.72. and what 0.10 is a percentage of 0.62. Please help asap!!!!!

0.1 / 0.72 = 0.138888 = 13.89%

To find what 0.10 is a percentage of 0.72, you need to divide 0.10 by 0.72 and then multiply the result by 100.

Step 1: Divide 0.10 by 0.72: 0.10 / 0.72 = 0.1389.

Step 2: Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage: 0.1389 * 100 = 13.89%.

So, 0.10 is 13.89% of 0.72.

Now let's move on to finding what 0.10 is a percentage of 0.62.

Step 1: Divide 0.10 by 0.62: 0.10 / 0.62 = 0.1613.

Step 2: Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage: 0.1613 * 100 = 16.13%.

Therefore, 0.10 is 16.13% of 0.62.