a graduated cylinder weights 64.376g empty.when i measure 30.0mL into it weights 89.98g.what is the density of the liquid?

then i

Two errors, some would consider them major and some minor.

You should subtract the large number from the small number; i.e., 89.98-64.376 = 25.604. As it is, the way you subtracted the value is -25.604. Another question: I wonder why you only weighed the container with water to the same number of places you weighed the empty container?

Second, the value you have for density is right IF you include the units. The answer is 0.853 g/mL.

I made a typo in this part. The corrected part is in bold.

You should subtract the large number from the small number; i.e., 89.98-64.376 = 25.604. As it is, the way you subtracted the value is -25.604. Another question: I wonder why you DIDN'T WEIGH the container with water to the same number of places you weighed the empty container?

To find the density of a liquid, you need to divide its mass by its volume. In this case, the initial mass of the graduated cylinder is 64.376g, and after adding the liquid, its mass becomes 89.98g. The difference in mass is 89.98g - 64.376g = 25.604g.

Next, you need to determine the volume of the liquid. Since you measured 30.0mL of liquid, that will be your volume.

Finally, you can calculate the density by dividing the mass of the liquid (25.604g) by its volume (30.0mL):

Density = mass/volume
Density = 25.604g / 30.0mL
Density = 0.853 g/mL

Therefore, the density of the liquid is 0.853 g/mL.