I need some help again with these.I have to correct faulty parallelism in the following sentences. I think I have corrected a couple but some I need help on.

1. Activities on Wednesday afternoons include fishing trips, dance lessons, and computers.
2. Arriving at Lake Powell in a thunderstorm, the campers found it safer to remain in their cars than to set up their tents.
3. The streets were not only too steep but also too narrow for anything other than pedestrian traffic.
4. More digital artists in the show are from the South Shore than the North Shore.
5. To load her toolbox, Anika the Clown gathered hats of different sizes, put in two tubes of face paint, arranged a bundle of extra-long straws, added a bag of colored balloons, and included a battery-powered hair dryer.

#1 - "fishing trips, dance lessons, and computers" -- The first two in this series are things people can take (take trips, take lessons...). How can you fix the 3rd element so it fits the same pattern?

#4 - What word needs to be inserted before "North Shore" in order for this to be parallel with "South Shore"?

#5 - The verbs gathered, put, arranged, and added are all "active" actions but included is more of a passive. How can you make the last element of the series fit with the others? What verb can you use?

I don't see any problems with #2 and #3.

#1 Computer lessons?

#4 from the North Shore?
#5 included?

I agree with your corrections for 1 and 4.

I see no difference in the last one. Try this:
5. To load her toolbox, Anika the Clown gathered hats of different sizes, put in two tubes of face paint, arranged a bundle of extra-long straws, added a bag of colored balloons, and packed a battery-powered hair dryer.

Awesome thank you

1. Activities on Wednesday afternoons include going on fishing trips, taking dance lessons, and using computers.

2. Arriving at Lake Powell in a thunderstorm, the campers found it safer to remain in their cars than to set up their tents.
3. The streets were not only too steep but also too narrow for anything other than pedestrians.
4. There are more digital artists in the show from the South Shore than from the North Shore.
5. To load her toolbox, Anika the Clown gathered hats of different sizes, put in two tubes of face paint, arranged a bundle of extra-long straws, added a bag of colored balloons, and included a battery-powered hair dryer.

Hope that helps! If not, maybe you can use the hair dryer to blow away any parallelism problems.

To correct the faulty parallelism in the given sentences, you should make sure that the items in a list or series have the same grammatical structure, tense, or form. Here are the corrected versions of the sentences:

1. Activities on Wednesday afternoons include fishing trips, dance lessons, and using computers. (Changed "computers" to "using computers" to match the gerund form of the other items in the list)

2. Arriving at Lake Powell in a thunderstorm, the campers found it safer to remain in their cars than to set up tents. (The sentence is already parallel and does not need any correction)

3. The streets were not only too steep but also too narrow for anything other than pedestrians. (Changed "pedestrian traffic" to "pedestrians," matching the noun form and removing the unnecessary word "traffic")

4. There are more digital artists in the show from the South Shore than from the North Shore. (Rephrased the sentence to make it grammatically parallel)

5. To load her toolbox, Anika the Clown gathered hats of different sizes, put in two tubes of face paint, arranged a bundle of extra-long straws, added a bag of colored balloons, and included a battery-powered hair dryer. (The sentence is already parallel and does not need any correction)