
y+4 _= help

Please re-write. Should this say y-6=2 and y+4=7?


bottom number y+4 and then 2 with a lind on bottom and 7

its suppposed to be y=

That doesn't make any sense. Sorry, but I don't know what you're trying to say.

y-6= 2/7


For problems like these, you want to cross multiply. 7(y-6)=2(y+4), 7y-42=2y+8, 7y=2y+50, 5y=50, y=10. You can plug that in for a check and you get 4/14, whcih reduces to 2/7, so it works.

To solve the equation y - 6 = 2, you can isolate the variable y by performing inverse operations. The goal is to isolate y on one side of the equation, so let's add 6 to both sides:

y - 6 + 6 = 2 + 6
y = 8

So the solution to the equation y - 6 = 2 is y = 8.

Regarding the second part of your question, "y + 4 _ = 7", it seems incomplete as there is an underscore (_) instead of an operation symbol. If you provide the missing operation symbol, I can help you solve it as well.