in poetry and ficition, the main reason for using vivid words is to

1 explain an idea
2 create a mental image
3 keep the reader gussing
4 illustrate the writer's bias

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The answer must be # 2.

The correct answer is 2 - create a mental image.

In poetry and fiction, the main reason for using vivid words is to create a mental image in the reader's mind. Vivid words are used to describe objects, settings, characters, and emotions in such a way that the reader can form a clear and vivid picture of what is being portrayed in the writing.

To determine the answer, you can analyze the purpose and effect of using vivid words in poetry and fiction. Vivid words are chosen intentionally to enhance the reader's experience and immerse them in the world created by the writer. By using descriptive language and specific details, the writer can paint a vivid picture in the reader's mind, making the text more engaging and memorable.

To find the answer by yourself, you can look for examples in poetry and fiction where vivid words are used to create mental images. Pay attention to how the writer's choice of words evokes sensory details and helps you visualize the scene or character being described.