What are the properties of a straight angle and what types of line segments or rays make up a straight angle?

A straight angle is formed by two opposite rays that share the same endpoint, also known as a vertex. Here are the properties of a straight angle:

1. Measure: The measure of a straight angle is always 180 degrees. It covers a half-circle or a complete revolution.

2. Line Segments: A straight angle can be formed by any two collinear line segments. Collinear line segments lie on the same line.

3. Rays: A straight angle can also be formed by two opposite rays. Opposite rays are two rays that share the same endpoint and extend in opposite directions.

To understand these concepts visually, you can use a protractor. Place the center of the protractor on the vertex of the angle and align one side of the angle with the baseline of the protractor. Read the angle measurement on the curved scale. If the measurement is 180 degrees, you have a straight angle.