Which of the following is a characteristic of communication in high-context cultures?

Written agreements are binding.
There is reliance on nonverbal signs to communicate.
Oral agreements are not binding.
There is a preference for direct communication.

Is it the second answer?


The characteristic of communication in high-context cultures is a reliance on nonverbal signs to communicate.

The characteristic of communication in high-context cultures is the reliance on nonverbal signs to communicate. To understand this, we can break down each option:

1. Written agreements are binding: This is not specific to high-context cultures. Written agreements can be binding in both high-context and low-context cultures.

2. There is reliance on nonverbal signs to communicate: This is a characteristic of high-context cultures. In these cultures, communication is often implicit and context-dependent, with nonverbal cues playing a significant role in conveying meaning.

3. Oral agreements are not binding: This statement is not necessarily true for high-context cultures. The binding nature of oral agreements can vary depending on the specific cultural norms, legal systems, and practices in different high-context cultures.

4. There is a preference for direct communication: This statement is not applicable to high-context cultures. High-context cultures often value indirect and subtle communication styles, relying on contextual cues and nonverbal signals.

Therefore, the correct characteristic of communication in high-context cultures is the reliance on nonverbal signs to communicate.