1.)Why was it important to the Founding Fathers to justify their actions by evoking traditional English rights?

a.)Because they were extreme reactionaries who disagreed with the ideals of the Enlightenment
=b.)Because, as members of the social elite, they did not want to provoke a radical revolution to overthrow the entire social structure
c.)Because they were not familiar with the political philosophy of John Locke
d.)Because they thought that the British might not have heard of Montesquieu and Voltaire

2.)Which of the following was not one of purposes of the Declaration of Independence?
a.)To proclaim the ideals on which the United States would be based
=b.)To formally announce to the world that the colonies were forming a new independent nation
c.)To provide a detailed outline of the government of the new nation
d.)To justify the decision to declare independence from Britain

3.)Which of the following bodies was Thomas Jefferson NOT a member of?
a.)The Massachusetts Colonial Legislature
b.)The Continental Congress
c.)The Virginia House of Burgesses
=d.)The Virginia Committee of Correspondence

# 1 is right.

#s 2 and 3 are wrong.

2.)Which of the following was not one of purposes of the Declaration of Independence?

a.)To proclaim the ideals on which the United States would be based
b.)To provide a detailed outline of the government of the new nation
=c.)To justify the decision to declare independence from Britain

3.)Which of the following bodies was Thomas Jefferson NOT a member of?
a.)The Massachusetts Colonial Legislature
b.)The Continental Congress
=c.)The Virginia House of Burgesses

Ariel -- they are still both wrong. Please stop guessing and study your text materials.

I've already read my text materials and I still can't figure the answer out, but I will reread it again as well as study it!

3.)Which of the following bodies was Thomas Jefferson NOT a member of?

=a.)The Massachusetts Colonial Legislature
b.)The Continental Congress
c.)The Virginia House of Burgesses
d.)The Virginia Committee of Correspondence

Ms. Sue, i believe that you couldve replied in a nicer not then you did, that is my ersonal opinion, thank you.


Praise him praise him

@Well Then

git gud

1.) The correct answer is b.) Because, as members of the social elite, they did not want to provoke a radical revolution to overthrow the entire social structure.

To understand why it was important for the Founding Fathers to justify their actions by evoking traditional English rights, we need to consider the historical context. The American colonies were predominantly settled by English immigrants and had been under British rule for many years. As a result, the colonists looked to English legal and political traditions as a foundation for their own ideas of rights and governance.

The Founding Fathers, who were mostly members of the colonial elite, wanted to avoid a radical revolution that would completely overturn the existing social structure. Their goal was to maintain stability and secure their own interests while asserting their rights as British subjects. By evoking traditional English rights such as trial by jury, protection against unlawful searches and seizures, and representation in government, they were able to argue that their acts of resistance and rebellion were not radical departures from the established order but rather attempts to restore their rightful place within the British system of governance.

2.) The correct answer is c.) To provide a detailed outline of the government of the new nation.

The Declaration of Independence, adopted on July 4, 1776, served multiple purposes. However, it did not provide a detailed outline of the government of the new nation.

The main purposes of the Declaration of Independence were:

a.) To proclaim the ideals on which the United States would be based: The document asserted the fundamental principles of human equality, natural rights, and the consent of the governed. It declared that all men are created equal and endowed with certain unalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

b.) To formally announce to the world that the colonies were forming a new independent nation: The Declaration of Independence declared that the thirteen colonies were separating from British rule and establishing themselves as a new nation, the United States of America. It stated that they were entitled to be free and independent states and that they had the full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and do all other acts and things that independent states may rightfully do.

d.) To justify the decision to declare independence from Britain: The Declaration of Independence presented a list of grievances against the British monarch, King George III, and explained why the colonies felt compelled to declare independence. It argued that the British government had violated the colonists' rights and had become tyrannical, justifying their decision to break away and form a new nation.

3.) The correct answer is d.) The Virginia Committee of Correspondence.

Thomas Jefferson, one of the Founding Fathers and the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, was involved in various political bodies and activities during the American Revolution. However, he was not a member of the Virginia Committee of Correspondence.

The Virginia Committee of Correspondence was a revolutionary political organization formed by the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1773. Its purpose was to communicate and coordinate colonial resistance against British policies leading up to the American Revolution. Thomas Jefferson served as a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses and later became a member of the Continental Congress, which was another important political body during the revolution. While he played a crucial role in shaping the foundation of the United States, he was not involved in the Virginia Committee of Correspondence.