quick answer of a boy is running on a straight road.He run towards north in 2 minutes and 10 seconds and then turn back and runs 200m in one minute.Calculate his average speed and magnitude of average velocity during first 2 minutes and 10 seconds and his average speed and magnitude of average velocity during the whole journet?

To calculate the average speed, we divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken. To calculate the magnitude of average velocity, we divide the displacement by the total time taken.

First, let's calculate the average speed and magnitude of average velocity during the first 2 minutes and 10 seconds:

1. Calculate the total distance traveled:
- The boy runs towards the north for 2 minutes and 10 seconds.
- We'll assume his speed is constant during this time.
- To convert 2 minutes and 10 seconds to seconds, multiply 2 by 60 and add 10, resulting in 130 seconds.

- The distance traveled can be calculated using the formula: distance = speed × time.
- Let's denote the speed as v1 (the velocity in the north direction).

distance1 = v1 × 130 seconds

2. Calculate the magnitude of average velocity during the first 2 minutes and 10 seconds:
- The magnitude of average velocity is the displacement divided by the total time taken.
- Since the boy runs towards the north and then turns back, the magnitude of average velocity during this time period is zero.
- The displacement in the north direction is equal to the displacement in the south direction, resulting in zero total displacement.

magnitude of average velocity1 = 0 / 130 seconds = 0

Next, let's calculate the average speed and magnitude of average velocity during the whole journey:

3. Calculate the total distance traveled:
- The boy runs towards the north for 2 minutes and 10 seconds, covering the distance calculated in step 1.
- He then turns back and runs 200m in one minute.
- Let's denote the second velocity as v2 (the velocity in the south direction).

distance2 = distance1 + 200m + v2 × 60 seconds

4. Calculate the magnitude of average velocity during the whole journey:
- The displacement during the whole journey is the final position minus the initial position.
- The final position is the same as the initial position since the boy returns to his starting point.
- The displacement is zero, resulting in zero average velocity.

magnitude of average velocity2 = 0 / (130 + 60) seconds = 0

Therefore, the average speed during the first 2 minutes and 10 seconds is v1, and the average speed during the whole journey is the total distance divided by the total time taken. The magnitude of average velocity during the first 2 minutes and 10 seconds and the whole journey is zero.