use implicit differentiation to find dy/dx


Can you check the question? There are two equations (equal signs). Could one of them be an operator instead?

To find dy/dx using implicit differentiation, we'll need to differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to x, treating y as a function of x.

Let's start differentiating each term step by step:

1. Differentiating the first term, xlny, with respect to x using the product rule:
d/dx (xlny) = 1 * ln(y) + x * (1/y) * (dy/dx)

2. Differentiating the second term, y^3, with respect to x using the chain rule:
d/dx (y^3) = 3y^2 * (dy/dx)

3. Differentiating the third term, lnx, with respect to x:
d/dx (lnx) = 1/x

Now let's substitute these derivatives back into the equation and solve for dy/dx:

1 * ln(y) + x * (1/y) * (dy/dx) = 3y^2 * (dy/dx) + 1/x

Next, let's rearrange the equation to isolate dy/dx terms on one side:

1 * ln(y) - 3y^2 * (dy/dx) = - x * (1/y) - 1/x

Now, factor out dy/dx:

dy/dx * (x * (3y^2) - 1) = - x/y - 1/x - ln(y)

Divide both sides by (x * 3y^2 - 1):

dy/dx = (-1/x - x/y - ln(y)) / (x * 3y^2 - 1)

And that's our answer for dy/dx using implicit differentiation!