You start with 101 and want to get down to 0 by subtracting 2. How many times will you subtract 2 from 101?

101 is an odd number and 0 is even; you can't get from an odd to an even by subtracting even numbers. If you subtract 50*2, or 100, you'll get to 1 and the next step will take you below 0.

I realize that however, this is a math stumper and there is answer I am told?? I was on the same track 51 would take you to -1 that is incorrect. Any one else??

I realize that however, this is a math stumper and there is answer I am told?? I was on the same track 51 would take you to -1 that is incorrect. Any one else??

It's not a stumper, the question doesn't have an integer answer. I suppose you could say subtract 50.5 * 2 from 101 to get to 0.
The question is equivalent to this statement:
Starting at 1, subtract 2 until you get to 0. Huh?? There is 'no' integer answer here. Now start at 'any' odd number and try to get to 0 by subtracting 2. It can't be done with integers.

That was my thought 50.5 or 50 1/2 I will answer it as 50.5 and see what happens - stay tuned...

Actually. it only takes 1 time to subtract 2 from 101 to get to 0. See, When you subtract 2 from 101 that's 99. But then you have to do it again. The problem is that you'll be subtracting 2 from 99. It's confusing i know.

Actually, subtracting 50.5 will not get you to 0 because you are only subtracting half of a number (which is not an integer) each time. In order to reach 0 by subtracting 2, you would need an even number as your starting point.