my class ( of 13 students)have all created poems describing ourselves. we have decided to put it all together into a big community service project by making t-shirts and postcards related to our poems (most of the poems are about making good choices and are uplifting); and we have also decided to create a video. we want this video to be uplifting and encourage self-confidence, and help others realize that there is a huge world out there, and encourage progress. we will be showing it in homeless shelters, places where ppl have eating disorders/suicidal places, hospitals, orphanages, etc. we want the video to be loving and inspiring and to be able to reach out to those less fortunate/lower self esteem. this is a great idea, but what should we put in the video?

Please discuss your ideas completely with those in charge of homeless shelers, hospitals, etc. It's important that you get their opinions about this project.