1. Bob is 4 cm shorter than Emily.

2. Mr. Pitt is 16 kg heavier than
3. Emily is 1 year younger than Bob.
4. Bob weighs 4kg more than Emily.

(Are the expressions correct grammatically?)

All are correct except for the space needed after the number 4 in the last sentences.

Yes, the expressions are grammatically correct. They provide information about the relationships between different individuals based on height and weight.

To analyze the given expressions, let's assign variables to represent the heights and weights of the individuals:

- Bob's height be represented by B
- Emily's height be represented by E
- Mr. Pitt's weight be represented by P
- Emily's weight be represented by W
- Bob's age be represented by A

Now, let's break down each expression and extract the information:

1. Bob is 4 cm shorter than Emily.
This can be represented as: B = E - 4

2. Mr. Pitt is 16 kg heavier than Emily.
This can be represented as: P = W + 16

3. Emily is 1 year younger than Bob.
This can be represented as: E = A - 1

4. Bob weighs 4 kg more than Emily.
This can be represented as: W = B + 4

By using these equations, we can solve for the values of B, E, P, W, and A.