1. He is holding a soccer ball between his right arm and his body.

2. The man is wearing a backpack on his back, and the woman is wearing a small bag around her body from her left shoulderto her right waist.

3. He is eating a cereal with milk.
In the picture, he is holding a spoon.

(Are they grammatical? Would you like to check them?)

1. OK

2. OK except for the space between shoulder to

3. He is eating cereal...


Yes, the three sentences you provided are all grammatically correct. Let me explain how we can check the grammar of these sentences.

1. To determine if a sentence is grammatically correct, we can analyze the subject and verb agreement, the correct usage of pronouns, and the overall sentence structure. In this sentence, "He is holding a soccer ball between his right arm and his body," we have a clear subject (pronoun "he") and a verb in agreement ("is holding"). The preposition "between" is correctly used to indicate the location of the soccer ball. The possessive pronoun "his" is used correctly to describe whose arm and body the ball is held between. Therefore, this sentence is grammatically correct.

2. Similar to the previous sentence, we analyze the subject and verb agreement, pronoun usage, and sentence structure. In this sentence, "The man is wearing a backpack on his back, and the woman is wearing a small bag around her body from her left shoulder to her right waist," we have two clear subjects ("man" and "woman") and corresponding verbs in agreement ("is wearing"). The prepositions "on" and "around" are used correctly to describe the location of the items. The possessive pronouns "his" and "her" are used appropriately to indicate ownership. Thus, this sentence is also grammatically correct.

3. Similarly, we analyze subject and verb agreement, pronoun usage, and sentence structure. In this sentence, "He is eating cereal with milk. In the picture, he is holding a spoon," we have consistent subject pronoun usage ("he") and verb agreement ("is eating," "is holding"). The prepositions "with" and "in" are correctly used to describe the accompanying items. Therefore, this sentence is grammatically correct as well.

In conclusion, all three sentences you provided are grammatically correct.