evaluate. 8 1⁄4 - 6 15⁄32

i got 2 7/32 is this correct. if not what am i doing wrong.

Change denominators to 32: 8 8/32-6 15/32= 7 40/32- 6 15/32=1 25/32

To evaluate the expression 8 1/4 - 6 15/32, we need to subtract the two mixed numbers. Here's how to do it step by step:

1. Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:
8 1/4 = (4 * 8 + 1)/4 = 33/4
6 15/32 = (32 * 6 + 15)/32 = 207/32

2. Find a common denominator:
In this case, the common denominator is 4 * 32 = 128.

3. Rewrite the fractions with the common denominator:
33/4 = (33 * 32)/128 = 1056/128
207/32 = (207 * 4)/128 = 828/128

4. Subtract the fractions:
1056/128 - 828/128 = (1056 - 828)/128 = 228/128

5. Simplify the resulting fraction:
Since both the numerator and denominator are divisible by 4, divide them both by 4:
228/128 = (228/4)/(128/4) = 57/32

Therefore, the result of the expression 8 1/4 - 6 15/32 is 57/32.

To check if your result of 2 7/32 is correct, we can convert it to an improper fraction:
2 7/32 = (32 * 2 + 7)/32 = 71/32.

As we can see, our calculated result of 57/32 is not equal to 71/32; hence, 2 7/32 is not the correct answer.