About 310 000 t of Alantic cod were caught in 1991. In 2001, the mass of cod caught was 87 percent less. How much cod was caught in 2001 ?

and how do you find the answer?

0.13 * 310,000 = ?

40,300 , thank you(:

To find out how much cod was caught in 2001, we need to first calculate the decrease in mass from 1991 to 2001.

The decrease in mass is given as 87 percent less than the mass in 1991. To calculate the decrease, we multiply the mass in 1991 by (100% - 87%) or 0.13.

Change in mass = 310,000 t * 0.87 = 269,700 t

To find the amount of cod caught in 2001, we subtract the decrease in mass from the mass in 1991:

Mass in 2001 = Mass in 1991 - Change in mass
Mass in 2001 = 310,000 t - 269,700 t = 40,300 t

Therefore, approximately 40,300 tons of Atlantic cod were caught in 2001.

To find the amount of cod caught in 2001, we need to first calculate 87% of the amount of cod caught in 1991 and then subtract it from the amount caught in 1991.

Step 1: Calculate 87% of the amount caught in 1991
To calculate 87% of a number, you can multiply the number by 0.87. So, we multiply 310,000 t by 0.87 to get:

310,000 t * 0.87 = 269,700 t

Step 2: Subtract the result obtained in step 1 from the amount caught in 1991
To find the amount of cod caught in 2001, we subtract the value obtained in step 1 (269,700 t) from the amount caught in 1991 (310,000 t). Thus:

310,000 t - 269,700 t = 40,300 t

Therefore, approximately 40,300 t of cod were caught in 2001.

You can follow these steps using a calculator or by hand to find the answer.