I am confused about this one. It is about football.

"In a football game the ball was advanced 5 yards from the Juniors' 25-yard line towards the Seniors' goal, then 6 yards then 8 yards back, 13 yards forward, 5 yards back, and then 11 yards forward. What was the position of the ball after 3 plays? 4 plays? After 5? After 6?

What is a "play?"

Thank you for reading,

Oh! A play is move! I get it! No need to answer this one!

In football, a "play" refers to a sequence of actions or events that occur during a game. It typically starts with the snap, when the center passes the ball to the quarterback, and ends when the ball carrier is tackled, the ball is thrown out of bounds, or a touchdown or field goal is scored.

To find the position of the ball after each play in this scenario, we'll start with the Juniors' 25-yard line and follow the given yardage changes.

After the first play, the ball is advanced 5 yards from the Juniors' 25-yard line towards the Seniors' goal. This puts the ball at the Juniors' 30-yard line.

After the second play, the ball is advanced 6 yards further. Adding this to the previous position, the ball is now at the Juniors' 36-yard line.

After the third play, the ball is moved 8 yards back. Subtracting this from the previous position, the ball is now at the Juniors' 28-yard line.

After the fourth play, the ball is advanced 13 yards forward. Adding this to the previous position, the ball is now at the Juniors' 41-yard line.

After the fifth play, the ball is moved 5 yards back. Subtracting this from the previous position, the ball is now at the Juniors' 36-yard line.

After the sixth play, the ball is advanced 11 yards forward. Adding this to the previous position, the ball is now at the Juniors' 47-yard line.

Therefore, the position of the ball after three plays is the Juniors' 28-yard line, after four plays is the Juniors' 41-yard line, after five plays is the Juniors' 36-yard line, and after six plays is the Juniors' 47-yard line.