Please can anyone help me with this or any part of it? Be very grateful as left it too late...

Write a program for ti-83 calculator which generates and displays integer values for A, B and C between 1 and 10;

requests the student to input the solution to the equation;

checks the student’s answer;
• outputs relevant comments to tell the student whether their answer is correct or not.
As a guide,
program should be between 10 and 30 lines long.

Certainly! I can help you with that. Here's a program for the TI-83 calculator that meets the requirements you mentioned:

1:Input "Enter the solution:",S
5:Disp "Equation:","(",A,"* X +",B,")^2 =",C
6:Prompt X
7:If (A*X + B)^2=C
9:Disp "Correct!"
11:Disp "Incorrect."

To explain the program:

1. The `Input` command prompts the student to enter their solution and stores it in the variable `S`.
2. `randInt(1,10)→A` generates a random integer between 1 and 10 and assigns it to the variable `A`.
3. Similarly, `randInt(1,10)→B` and `randInt(1,10)→C` generate random integers for `B` and `C`.
4. The `Disp` command displays the equation with the randomly generated values of `A`, `B`, and `C`.
5. The `Prompt` command prompts the student to input the value of `X` (the unknown variable in the equation).
6. The program then checks if the square of `A*X + B` is equal to `C`.
7. If the answer is correct, the program continues to line 9 and displays "Correct!" using `Disp`.
8. If the answer is incorrect, the program continues to line 11 and displays "Incorrect." using `Disp`.

The program is designed to be concise and falls within the specified line limit of 10 to 30 lines. You can add more comments or modify the output messages as per your requirements.