Whether children are exposed to an authoritative, authoritarian, or permissive parenting style may have a great influence on how children handle challenges in their lives.

· Describe how three adults, each brought up under a different parenting style as a child, might cope differently with one of the changes listed in the table in Appendix F.
· Post a 200- to 300-word response.

We don't do assignments here, but I can tell you that permissive parenting leads to children and later on adults who have low self control.

We don't have Appendix F.

Authoritarian parenting tends to produce children who are very conforming or, on the other hand, very rebellious.

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To answer this question, you can start by understanding the different parenting styles and their characteristics.

1. Authoritative parenting: This style is characterized by parents who are nurturing, supportive, and set clear expectations. They provide guidance while also allowing independence and decision-making.

2. Authoritarian parenting: This style is characterized by strict and controlling parents who expect obedience without explanation. They have high expectations but tend to be less responsive to their child's needs.

3. Permissive parenting: This style is characterized by parents who are lenient and indulgent. They have few rules and rarely enforce consequences, allowing their child to have considerable freedom.

Now let's explore how three adults, each raised under a different parenting style, might cope differently with a change listed in Appendix F:

1. Adult A, raised under authoritative parenting, would likely handle the change proactively and adaptively. Having grown up with clear expectations and appropriate independence, they would approach the change with confidence, problem-solving skills, and resilience. They would seek support from others and actively work toward finding a solution.

2. Adult B, raised under authoritarian parenting, might struggle with the change. Having been accustomed to strict rules and little room for independent thinking, they may feel overwhelmed by the change. They may struggle to adapt and make decisions, seeking external guidance and approval. They may also experience anxiety or frustration due to a lack of autonomy.

3. Adult C, raised under permissive parenting, may also find it challenging to cope with the change. Having grown up with few rules or consequences, they may lack the discipline and problem-solving skills needed. They may struggle with taking responsibility or making decisions, often relying on others to solve problems for them.

In summary, the parenting style an individual experiences during childhood can significantly impact how they handle challenges in their adult lives. The authoritative parenting style tends to foster resilience and adaptability, while the authoritarian style may lead to dependence and anxiety. The permissive style may result in a lack of discipline and problem-solving skills.