if t is 30% of u and u is 6% of v, what percent of v is t?


t = .3u

u = .06v

Then t = .3(.06v) = .018v = 1.8%v

To find the percentage of v that t represents, you need to determine the relationship between t, u, and v.

Given that t is 30% of u, you can express this mathematically as:
t = 0.3u

And given that u is 6% of v, you can express this as:
u = 0.06v

Now, substitute the value of u in terms of v into the equation for t:
t = 0.3(0.06v) = 0.018v

Thus, t is 0.018v or 1.8% of v. Therefore, t represents 1.8% of v.