Someone please check! * is the answer I chose.

For each of the following pairs of topics select the one that is more focused.
a.)Why beaches are fun
*b.)Why I love Miami Beach

a.)The wonderful world of vegetables
*b.)The health benefits of carrots

a.)A day at Sea World with my family
*b.)Why I love the ocean

a.)The problems caused by fire
*b.)What to do if your house catches fire

Look at 3 again.

ok well to me both seemed to be specific so I just oicked one. Thank you:)

To compare each pair and determine which topic is more focused, you can analyze the level of specificity and clarity in the statements.

1.) Topic:
a) Why beaches are fun
b) Why I love Miami Beach

In this case, option b) "Why I love Miami Beach" is more focused because it narrows down the topic to a specific beach (Miami Beach) and focuses on personal feelings rather than just generalizing why beaches, in general, are fun.

2.) Topic:
a) The wonderful world of vegetables
b) The health benefits of carrots

Here, option b) "The health benefits of carrots" is more focused as it narrows down the topic to a specific vegetable (carrots) and focuses on the specific health benefits associated with it, rather than discussing the broader topic of vegetables in general.

3.) Topic:
a) A day at Sea World with my family
b) Why I love the ocean

Option b) "Why I love the ocean" is more focused because it focuses on personal feelings and reasons for loving the ocean, whereas option a) "A day at Sea World with my family" is broader and encompasses a specific event and location.

4.) Topic:
a) The problems caused by fire
b) What to do if your house catches fire

In this case, option b) "What to do if your house catches fire" is more focused as it provides specific instructions on what actions to take in a particular situation, whereas option a) "The problems caused by fire" is a more general statement without a specific focus.

By considering the specific details, narrowing down to specific subjects, and analyzing the clarity of each topic, you can determine which option is more focused.